4'C 1994 - 1998 * galéria   * texty   * guestbook   
Lízať z predu, to je erotika, lízať zo zadu je politika.
Do galérie som pridal ďaľších 56 fotiek. Sú pod heslom. Ak nevieš heslo, tak mi napíš.
Web je už čitateľný aj v Netscape a Opere. Odporúčané prehliadače sú Mozilla a Internet Explorer.
And so it begins... Nový design, galéria, texty, guestbook. Ešte sa môžu vyskytnúť chyby, čiže keď niečo objavíš, tak neváhaj napísať.


When I was creating this web site I have decided to use certain icons that are distributed under the GPL license. You can also download the GPL license from www.opensource.org. The icons are shown here:

All other material that is on this site is (c) copyright 1994-2002 by members of the 4'C 1994-1998 GAMČA class. If you are not a member of the 4'C 1994-1998 GAMČA class, then you are NOT authorised to redistribute, copy, sell, change or otherwise use any material downloaded from this site. The only right that you have is to view this site. All other rights are reserved. Enjoy!

If you have any questions, contact the webmaster.